These are print screens of the date I gathered and used to put my graphs and presentation together.

This is a link to my analysis presentation
Analysis presentation
Q1. From the 11 people who replied back from my questionnaire, only one person said that the funding for the Domestic Services should be cut, meaning ten people said that funding should not be cut.
Q2. All of the 11 people who answered this question said that the funding definitely shouldn’t be cut.
Q3. 10 people replied saying that the Armed Forces do their jobs well and effectively, this leaving one person who thought they do not work well, no reason was left into why they think they do not perform their job well.
Q4. The above picture shows all of the answers provided by the people who answered this question, these things include training, vehicles and more troops etc.
Q5. In this question I asked who is the most important force, and the majority of people answered ‘Army’, which you can clearly see has the highest percentage as (1) –most important. The RAF being second most important and the Royal Navy being the least important.
Q6. 8 people believe that we should be fighting in the wars in ‘Afghanistan, Iraq and Germany’, the other three thinks that we should not be fighting in these wars as soldiers are dying from them.
Q7. The words above show what people replied with to answer the question ‘Overall, what is your perception of the Armed Forces’, most people said very good and effective.
Q8. Above is the answers on what people ‘think’ the rest for the nation think about the Armed Forces, most people said they think others will think they are effective and good, but can be criticised by some.
Q9. The majority of people think the current Police structure of 43 different forces is efficient and well worked. But some people think it is not efficient enough and should be changed, possibly a decrease of forces but each force covers more area.
Q10. From the 11 people who answered this question, nobody said yes to funding being cut, as the money is needed for equipment and protecting our country. Eight people said no funding shouldn’t be cut and three people said ‘don’t know’.