AO3 - Explain ethical issues in research

AO3 Definitions

Privacy - The state of being free from intrusion or disturbance in one's private life affairs: the right top privacy.
For example: certain areas of your life, you do not wnat people from knowing, issues such as family problems, illnesses etc.

Confidentiality - spoken, written, acted on, etc., in strict privacy or secrecy – secret.
For example: Going to speak to your GP, they are under law not to tell anyone other than yourself your issues, they are not even allowed to tell family memebers or friends. but if there is an issue regarding something serious, they are allowed to report it as it could escalate into a severe matter.

Anonymity - The quality or state of being unknown or unacknowledged, for example: if someone wanted to know an asnwer to a question, e.g. 'what's your most embarrassing moment?' The answers can be seen but no one will know who said what.

It is important that research is confidential because the person filling the questionnaire or just asnwering a specific question can be more honest and accurate about what they are trying to say, if someones name was required on the front of a letter regarding a schools rating/quality etc, that person will not want to say what they actually think as their teachers could find out.
Being anonymous will allow people to say what they want about whatever is being asked, the anonymity will prevent people from being scared to answer something truthfully.

Data protection Act 1998

The information you give in the his questionnaire will be anonymous, this will protect your name or any other perosonal details from being shown to the people who are reading and gaining information through the questions asked.
After extracting all information from the questions, this will be safely locked away from the use or view of others or destroyed.
All information read will be confidential, meaning that information will not be passed on to others outside of the people who are under the Data Protection Act.

Here is the witness statment which was provided by Mr. Scarborough regarding the ethical debate that we had, this concisted of Privacy, Anonymity, date protection etc.