Interview behaviour

Jonathan Ross/Will Smith;
The interview was held in a studio with a set place for the interviewer and interviewee to sit in, whihc were around 1.5 meters apart with Mr. Ross sat slightly higher than that of Will Smith, the chairs were also positioned to a slight angle to the table instead of straight, this preventing the look of an interrogation which would have made the interview very intimidating.
The lighting in the room was also very bright, this making the studio look more positive and a more friendly/happier environment.

Body language - Johnathan Ross and Will Smith were very confident and relaxed during the interview, hands were used to show certain points that they are trying to explain instead of hands just laying on the knee (this could be seen as slightly awkward for the other person.
Tone of voice - the tone of voice used by both interviewer and the person being interviewed was very up beat, as they seemed very interested in each others points raised, for example; when Johnathan brought up the subject of re-enacting a film in the 1950's, they both seemed to be intrigued and found it funny.
Eye contact - there was not constant eye contact, but they did connect every now and then for an average time of 5 seconds, longest being around 6 seconds, this prevented them from feeling awkward but made it seem more of a friendly nature.
Facial expressions - they were smiling, showing they were having a good conversation and did not feel intimidated, overall very expressive, this adding some humour to the interview, which is very spectator friendly.

Overall, I think the the interview look unstructured as Johnathan Ross didnt look down at papers often and added little comments between Wil Smiths sentence for added humour or to build on the question he had asked before.

 Interview Plan Sheet 
Interview plan
·         Topic - Daily life of ‘Jamie Gillum’
·          Interview will be structured,
·         The room in which I will give the interview will be in G13,
-          What time do you wake up,
-          what do you do before you leave for school,
-          Leaving for school time (how you get to school),

-          What do you do when you get to school
-          What lessons do you most enjoy/despise,
-          Other than school what do you want to do with your day,
-          Food eaten throughout the day,

-          Evening things to do,
-          Social networking and gaming
-          Sport
Objects used in the interview
-          Table
-          Chairs
-          Pen/pencil
-          Paper
-          Recorder

Body language – tense, very interested
Tone of voice – calm and clear.
Eye contact – Eye contact every so often, not too much.
Proximity – 1meter
Barriers – Table
Levels – same level.
Open V Closed questions – start with the interview with some closed questions and then ask about what he thinks about certain subjects etc.
Unstructured V Structured – Structured interview, questions and follow up questions planned.

This link below is the interview consent form and the questions (with follow ups) and it then shows part of the interview typed up.

This link below will take you to my witness statement which was provided to me by my teacher regarding the interview I planned and performed with someone else.
Witness Statement Interviews